Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Building of the Mac Pi



Featured is the link which includes details on how to assemble the Mini Pi Mac.

Late night soldering
I followed these steps and did all the soldering and building myself.

Powerboost 500 fresh out of the box

After successful soldering, the screen came on

Powerboost 500 with everything connected and switch turned on

View of the back of the computer. HDMI panel mount screwed into the back.
Problems Faced During Construction

1. Accidentally soldered wire to access point that were not apart of the circuit board (I realized this after spending hours soldering the entire board. had to take apart the entire thing)

2. Soldering the thin copper wiring to the powerboost (you will see what I mean once you strip the wire yourself)
3. Heat Shrink tubing would not shrink
4. Neatly getting all the wires inside of the computer
5. Finding the right size magnets (need 1/4 x 1/16 inch Disc N48)
6. Did not know that a second powerboost 500 was necessary to assemble the speaker so, unfortunately I will not be installing it.

Now For the Hard Part...

So just as I said before, my had to be reset therefore, the minivmac software is no longer on my Raspberry Pi. I attempted and to reinstall the software but could not get past other issues.

1. My Pi is attempting to output the display to my touchscreen but, being as though the touchscreen does not work, this happens: 
so I had to reset my pi...again.

2. After reinstalling, my pi began having issues with the usb ports; I could not use the keyboard!

At this point, I do not know what is happening with my Pi. I will continue to update my blog with any changes.

Rough Draft

Comment below with information that will make my creation better. All feedback is welcomed!

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